Food & Wine Magazine Names Noble Coyote Top Coffee in Texas

by Steve Dickerson

Food & Wine Magazine announced their choices for the top coffee in each state and Noble Coyote earned the top spot in Texas!

”The Big D is just full of surprises, lately, one of them being a preponderance of local roasters gaining considerable national attention for their efforts. One of the most exciting is this micro-op hiding in plain sight at the foot of the historic Fair Park Esplanade; a drop-in lab with a limited menu also hosts scheduled public cuppings.”
— Food & Wine Magazine

Learning about their selection process for this great honor is an interesting read.

Texas’ culinary reputation is beginning to expand beyond it's great barbecue. The article also mentions roasters from around the state such as Palace, Evocation, Silver Grizzly Espresso,  Merit / Local, and Reserva.

On the subject of barbecue and coffee, we think it's great they chose the pic of Kevin with Aaron Franklin at the roastery to represent NCCR in the article.